In this Post, I have Managed to Make an Awesome Images to PDF Convertor Using Python TKinter. So if you like it, then Please Subscribe to My Channel to Never Miss an Update.

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Want to Install It without Python, Download from these links :- Download Windows Installer File [32/64 Bit] Download Portable .ZIP File [32/64 Bit] Souce Code Here :- from os import path from os import remove from threading import Thread from tkinter import Tk from tkinter import filedialog from tkinter import ttk from tkinter import LabelFrame from tkinter import Text from tkinter import Scale from tkinter import Frame from tkinter import Radiobutton from tkinter import Checkbutton from tkinter import IntVar from tkinter import BooleanVar from tkinter import Button from tkinter import Scrollbar from tkinter import Menu from tkinter import messagebox from tkinter import END import webbrowser from PIL import Image from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter class MainWindow: def __init__(self, master): self.FORMAT = {0: '.pdf', 1: '.jpg'} self.SETTINGS_DPI = {0: 72, 1: 100, 2: 150} self.SETTINGS_COLOR = {0: '1', 1: 'RGB'} self.list_files = '' self.filename = '' self.lenght_list_files = '' self.text_box = Text(master, wrap='char', width=80, height=16) self.vscroll_text_box = Scrollbar( master, orient='vertical', command=self.text_box.yview()) self.hscroll_text_box = Scrollbar( master, orient='horizontal', command=self.text_box.xview()) self.text_box.config(yscrollcommand=self.vscroll_text_box.set, xscrollcommand=self.hscroll_text_box.set) self.text_box.grid(row=2, column=2, rowspan=4, columnspan=7) self.vscroll_text_box.grid( row=2, column=9, rowspan=4, sticky=('se', 'ne')) self.hscroll_text_box.grid( row=6, column=2, columnspan=8, sticky=('we', 'ne')) # # # File format settings self.labelframe_format = LabelFrame( master, text="File format") self.labelframe_format.grid( row=7, column=1, columnspan=1, rowspan=3, sticky='wens') self.format_output_file = IntVar() self.format_output_file.set(0) self.radiobutton_pdf = Radiobutton(self.labelframe_format, text='PDF format', variable=self.format_output_file, value=0, command=self.shutdown_button, cursor="hand2") self.radiobutton_jpg = Radiobutton(self.labelframe_format, text='JPEG format', variable=self.format_output_file, value=1, command=self.shutdown_button, cursor="hand2") self.radiobutton_pdf.pack(fill='x') self.radiobutton_jpg.pack(fill='x') # # # Set the frame in which we will place the split settings self.labelframe_split = LabelFrame(master, text="Pagination") self.labelframe_split.grid( row=7, column=2, columnspan=2, rowspan=3, sticky='wens') self.scale_split = Scale(self.labelframe_split, from_=0, to=100, resolution=5, orient="horizontal") self.scale_split.pack(fill='both') # Set the frame in which we will place the file quality settings self.labelframe_dpi = LabelFrame(master, text="Quality settings") self.labelframe_dpi.grid( row=7, column=4, columnspan=2, rowspan=3, sticky='wens') self.dpi = IntVar() self.dpi.set(2) self.radiobutton_dpi_72 = Radiobutton(self.labelframe_dpi, text='The average', variable=self.dpi, value=0, cursor="hand2") self.radiobutton_dpi_100 = Radiobutton(self.labelframe_dpi, text='Good', variable=self.dpi, value=1, cursor="hand2") self.radiobutton_dpi_150 = Radiobutton(self.labelframe_dpi, text='Excellent', variable=self.dpi, value=2, cursor="hand2") self.radiobutton_dpi_72.pack(fill='both') self.radiobutton_dpi_100.pack(fill='both') self.radiobutton_dpi_150.pack(fill='both') # # # Frame with color or b / w selection settings self.labelframe_color = LabelFrame(master, text="Color settings") self.labelframe_color.grid( row=7, column=6, columnspan=2, rowspan=3, sticky='wens') self.color = IntVar() self.color.set(1) self.radiobutton_bw = Radiobutton(self.labelframe_color, text='Black / white', variable=self.color, value=0, cursor="hand2") self.radiobutton_color = Radiobutton(self.labelframe_color, text='Colored', variable=self.color, value=1, cursor="hand2") self.radiobutton_bw.pack(fill='both') self.radiobutton_color.pack(fill='both') # # # Frame with JPEG compression quality settings self.labelframe_quality = LabelFrame( master, text="File compression setting") self.labelframe_quality.grid( row=7, column=8, columnspan=2, rowspan=3, sticky='nw ne') self.scale_quality = Scale(self.labelframe_quality, label='Worse Better', from_=1, to=100, resolution=1, orient="horizontal", state='active') self.scale_quality.set(100) self.scale_quality.pack(fill='both') # # # Checkbox for quality optimization self.optimize_image = BooleanVar() self.optimize_image.set(False) self.checkbutton_optimize = Checkbutton( self.labelframe_quality, text='Automatically', variable=self.optimize_image, onvalue=True, offvalue=False) self.checkbutton_optimize.pack() self.checkbutton_optimize.bind( '<Button>', lambda event: self.change_state(event)) # # # Set the frame in which we will place the main command buttons def color_change(e): self.button_open["background"] = "brown" self.button_open["foreground"] = "white" def color_reverse(e): self.button_open["background"] = "lime" self.button_open["foreground"] = "black" def color_change2(e): self.button_save["background"] = "darkblue" self.button_save["foreground"] = "white" def color_reverse2(e): self.button_save["background"] = "cyan" self.button_save["foreground"] = "black" def color_change3(e): self.button_run["background"] = "pink" self.button_run["foreground"] = "black" def color_reverse3(e): self.button_run["background"] = "black" self.button_run["foreground"] = "white" self.button_frame = Frame(master) self.button_frame.grid(row=2, column=1, rowspan=4) self.button_open = Button(self.button_frame, text="Add Images", command=self.listFiles, pady=5, padx=3, cursor="hand2", bg="lime") self.button_open.bind("<Enter>", color_change) self.button_open.bind("<Leave>", color_reverse) self.button_open.pack() self.button_save = Button(self.button_frame, text="Save PDF", command=self.savefileName, bg="cyan", pady=5, padx=10, cursor="hand2") self.button_save.bind("<Enter>", color_change2) self.button_save.bind("<Leave>", color_reverse2) self.button_save.pack() self.button_run = Button(self.button_frame, text="Run", command=lambda x=True: ConvertFile().process( input_file=self.list_files, output_file=self.filename, format_file=self.FORMAT[self.format_output_file.get( )], dpi=self.SETTINGS_DPI[self.dpi.get()], color=self.SETTINGS_COLOR[self.color.get()], optimize=self.optimize_image.get(), quality=self.scale_quality.get(), split_step=self.scale_split.get()), pady=5, padx=23, cursor="hand2", bg="black", fg="white") self.button_run.bind("<Enter>", color_change3) self.button_run.bind("<Leave>", color_reverse3) self.button_run.pack() # # # Progressbar self.pbar = ttk.Progressbar( master, orient='horizontal', mode='determinate', length=100, maximum=100) self.pbar.grid(row=10, column=1, columnspan=9, sticky='wens') # # # Program menu = Menu(master) master.config( self.sub_menu1 = Menu('File', menu=self.sub_menu1) self.sub_menu1.add_command(label='Exit', command=self.closed_window) self.sub_menu2 = Menu( self.sub_menu2.add_command(label="About Us", command=self.about_us)'Information', menu=self.sub_menu2) def about_us(self): about = messagebox.askokcancel("About Us", "This Program is Created and Developed By An Individual Developer Named Kunal Gupta.\n\nIf you Will Press OK, then you will be redirected to My Website and My Youtube Channel.") if about==True:"") webbrowser.open_new_tab("") else: return "None" def frange(self, start, stop, step): while start < stop: yield start start += step def change_state(self, event): if self.optimize_image.get() is False: self.scale_quality.config(state='disable') else: self.scale_quality.config(state='active') def shutdown_button(self): if self.format_output_file.get() == 1: self.button_save.config(state='disable') else: self.button_save.config(state='active') def update_progressbar(self, page): step = 100 / self.lenght_list_files step_range = list(self.frange(0, 100, step)) self.pbar['value'] = step_range[page] + step root.update() def show_error(self, message): messagebox.showerror(title='ERROR', message=message) def closed_window(self): exitfunction = messagebox.askyesno("Exit Kunal Images to PDF Convertor", "Are You Sure you Want to Exit?") if exitfunction==True: root.destroy() else: return "None" def listFiles(self): """The function is tied to the" Add files "button. The result of the function is a list of files, which is displayed in the text_box field""" self.list_files = filedialog.askopenfilenames() self.lenght_list_files = len(self.list_files) self.text_box.delete(1.0, END) for i in self.list_files: self.text_box.insert(END, i) self.text_box.insert(END, '\n') return self.list_files def savefileName(self): """The function is tied to the" Save file "button. The result of the function is the full path to the output file""" default = self.FORMAT[0] setting_format = self.FORMAT[self.format_output_file.get()] self.filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[(f"File format *{setting_format}", f"*{setting_format}")], defaultextension=default) return self.filename class ConvertFile: """ The class is responsible for converting image files to PDF, JPEG, PNG formats. For PDF files, it is possible to split into parts with a specified number of pages. """ def numberSteps(self, num_page, page_start, page_step): """ The function creates a list of range values ​​into which the file is split """ steps = list(range(page_start, num_page, page_step)) steps.append(num_page) return steps def splitPdf(self, input_file, step): """ The function divides PDF into files according to the specified range. The range is specified in pages. The function returns multiple files, by the number of ranges (the name is generated by default). \ n input_file: file name, required parameter, type str. \ n step: step of the range in pages, int type. """ pdf_input = PdfFileReader(open(input_file, 'rb')) steps = self.numberSteps(num_page=pdf_input.getNumPages(), page_start=0, page_step=step) new_outfile_path, new_outfile_format = path.splitext(input_file) x = 1 for i in steps: if x < len(steps): pdf_output = PdfFileWriter() for z in list(range(i, steps[x])): pdf_output.addPage(pdf_input.getPage(z)) file_part = new_outfile_path + \ f"-page-{i}-{steps[x]}" + new_outfile_format with open(file_part, 'wb') as pdf_output_stream: pdf_output.write(pdf_output_stream) else: continue x += 1 def to_image(self, in_file, optimize, quality, dpi, color, format_file='JPEG'): input_path, input_format = path.splitext(in_file) out_file = input_path + '.' + format_file im = size = im.size new_size = (size[0] // 2, size[1] // 2) img_resize = im.resize(size=new_size, resample=1, reducing_gap=3.0) img = img_resize.convert(mode=color), format_file, quality=quality, optimize=optimize, dpi=(dpi, dpi), progressive=True) return out_file def process(self, input_file, output_file, format_file, dpi, color, optimize, quality, split_step=0): try: """ The function is responsible for starting the conversion process. \ n input_file: list of files, type str. \ n output_file: name of the resulting file, type str. \ n format_file: format of the resulting file (values ​​from the series are passed to the function: PDF, JPG, PNG), str type. \ n dpi: number of dots per inch (values ​​from the range: 72, 100, 150 are passed to the function), int type. \ n split_step: step for splitting the PDF file (specified in pages), int type. \ n return: files are saved in the directory. """ output_path, output_format = path.splitext(output_file) page = 0 for i in input_file: """Start updating the progress bar in a separate process""" Thread(target=app.update_progressbar(page)).start() if format_file == '.pdf': """first convert to JPEG format""" output_jpg = self.to_image( i, optimize, quality, dpi, color, 'JPEG') """JPEG is added to the PDF file, we select the parameters of the add function based on the page number""" if page == 0: im =, 'PDF', save_all=True) elif page > 0: im =, 'PDF', append=True) remove(output_jpg) elif format_file == '.jpg': self.to_image(i, optimize, quality, dpi, color, 'JPEG') else: pass page += 1 if format_file == '.pdf' and split_step > 0: self.splitPdf(output_file, step=split_step) else: messagebox.askokcancel("Successfully Completed", "Your PDF File Generated Succesfully, at the Location You Entered.") except: messagebox.askretrycancel("A Problem Has Been Occured", "Please Save the File First") # main window if __name__ == "__main__": root = Tk() root.geometry('780x410+140-140') root.resizable(0, 0) root.iconbitmap('./img.ico') root.title('Kunal Images to PDF Convertor') app = MainWindow(root) root.config(bg="darkgrey") root.mainloop() Hope You Will Like It